Harworth Church of England Academy

Harworth Church of England Academy

Foundation Stage

Spring Term

We will be learning about what makes every single person unique and precious?

We will look at what the Bible says about Jesus. For Christians, each individual human is unique, and known and loved unconditionally by God.

We will listen to the story of Jesus welcoming the children, the story of Jesus getting lost and singing lots of songs. We will also learn about why a Christening or Baptism is such a special service.

After half term we will begin to learn about Easter.

Autumn Term

We learnt about how God is very important as he is the Creator of the universe and all that is in it, including people and animals. We talked about how God created our special world in 7 days.

Leading up to Christmas we listened to the Nativity Story. We sang songs and took part in a special Nativity performance to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Come and reflect on how you are feeling in our class Reflection corner.

You can listen to music, draw pictures or read stories that Jesus told.