Harworth Church of England Academy

Harworth Church of England Academy

Admission to Harworth Church Of England Academy Foundation Stage 2

Harworth Church of England Academy is part of the Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust.

The Foundation Stage 2 unit has an accommodation limit of 30 pupils and admission during the academic year that children turn 5 is controlled by the five ordered priorities in our policy. A limit of 30 pupils will be admitted in a year group.

Applications are looked at during the academic year which the child will enter Foundation Stage. Forms will be sent from Nottinghamshire County Council for parents/carers to apply for a full time place in a school. If you do not receive a form from Nottinghamshire County Council you will need to telephone Admissions Care Line (03005008080) and ask them to send you a form. Upon request the school will also send out a supplementary form asking for more information, as this will help our school to apply the five ordered priorities in our policy.

Nottinghamshire County Council then inform parents of where they have been allocated a school place. If you wish to appeal against a decision made then please contact the school for more information.

Admission applications for every age group

When applications for in year admissions are made the first consideration is whether there is space in that year group. We have a PAN (Planned Admissions Number) of 30, therefore only 30 can be admitted for each year group. If there is space in a year group, then the application can be made to Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions Authority (03005008080). If there are more applications than places available then the admissions criteria will apply until the year group reaches the full capacity of 30.

The first contact when a child wishes to join the school mid year or in a year group different to Foundation Stage 2 is usually Admissions at Nottinghamshire County Council (03005008080). The parent is then contacted by Admissions/school to say if there is a place.

Admission applications for pupils with SEND or disabilities

This inclusive school is committed to provide all pupils with their full educational entitlement. Outside agencies may be needed to help the school prepare for a pupil with additional needs and all steps will be taken both before and after a child is admitted to ensure inclusivity for all pupils.

Please see Nottinghamshire County Council schools website for school admission arrangements.



Primary Appeals Timetable

SNMAT Harworth Church of England Academy Determined Admissions Arrangements 2023/2024

SNMAT Harworth Church of England Academy Admissions Supplementary Information  2023/2024

SNMAT Harworth Church of England Academy Determined Admissions Arrangements 2024/2025

SNMAT Harworth Church of England Academy Admissions Supplementary Information  2024/2025

SNMAT Harworth Church of England Academy Determined Admissions Arrangements 2025/2026

SNMAT Harworth Church of England Academy Admissions Supplementary Information  2025/2026

Primary Appeals Timetable

Paper appeal form


Please fill out the Supplementary Information Form when you apply for a place to our school. The form can be emailed to Mrs Heggie at office@harworth.snmat.org.uk or can be sent to school at Harworth Church of England Academy, Scrooby Road, Harworth, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 8JT


Changing Schools 'In-Year'




Right of Appeals letter (see below)