Harworth Church of England Academy

Harworth Church of England Academy

Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid.  Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go

Joshua 1:9

Our Parliament of Owls

Our Parliament of Owl representatives have a termly meeting to discuss lots of different things that are happening in our school. 

In our main meetings we have discussions on different issues, suggestions, thoughts and ideas on how to keep and make our school the best place to be. We have a very democratic school and take votes almost weekly to make improvements.

We have decided that each half term we are going to focus on different issues that will help us to become a respectful and kind citizen. 

Watch this space to see what we are getting up to.


 This year the School Parliament have worked closely with our Courageous Advocates to make many valuable improvements to our school. This has included making changes to how we look after the school environments, providing guidance to how we cross the road at the top of the drive, deciding on the rewards for our house point winners and voting on how we can raise money for charity.

The children have also thought about our well-being, coming up with special days and making time to talk to look after ourselves and each other.



We have been thinking of ways to look after our school environment, we have decided to have environment officers in every class. There task is to ensure that we switch off electrical equipment when it is not being used and that we use our recycle bins.

We have also decided to help raise money for a new oven for the Church Rooms, we have planned to have some non-uniform days in the near future.

We have also spent time discussing our well-being and have decided to continue with our Fab Friday session. We have also agreed that talking is important to to share any problems that we have.


Our Parliament of Owls voted to support the NSPCC as our charity of the year.  

In their meetings with the whole school they have led the voting and then passed many important decisions.  These have included renaming Wellbeing Friday to Fab Friday and having a longer playtime on this day,  having a TT Rockstars competition during the NSPCC Number Day, being proactive when recycling in our school, wearing bright colours to raise funds for Ukraine and helping our HAPPI group to raise funds through an Easter raffle. 

2019 - 2020

Our first School Council Assembly of the year saw our new school council representatives introduce themselves and a vote for our charity of the year.

It was very clear that the whole school decided to continue to support Bluebell Wood Hospice.

Core 4 visited County Hall in Nottingham to speak to the Chairman of the Council about his job.  They asked some extremely important questions too.


We completed lots of events this year and raised an amazing amount of money. We would like to thank all of our families for your amazing support.

We welcomed Sally from Bluebell Wood Hospice to school on Monday 11th February to talk to us about the work Bluebell Wood do to support children. It was a brilliant assembly where we learnt about the charity we are supporting.

 School Council event: Friday 11th January - Purple Day for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice we have raised an amazing £192.40. 

Thank you for your very kind donations.

For our first whole school council assembly we were very excited to be discussing what fund raising events we want to host this year to raise money not only for school but for a charity.

This year our school has voted to support the Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice.

You can find out more about the amazing work they do by following this link to their website:



We are trying a new look school council for this Summer Term. We have 4 children from Class 6 who are called the Core 4. These were voted by the whole school. Their job is to lead the school council for the year. We have a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. 

School Council created a PowerPoint presentation about all the different charities we have supported as a school.  They showed it in our Collective Worship to the rest of the school and even sent it to our Multi Academy Trust who thanked School Council for their important work with charities. Please click here to view their presentation. 

Sponsored skip - School Council led a day of skipping called 'Jump Rope for Heart' to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.  Everyone had a fantastic day and we are in the process of collecting all the sponsor money in.

International Peace Day - School Council organised for everyone to come to school wearing green and make a donation to Greenpeace.  This day linked with our Christian Value 'Peace' as well as our 'Peacemakers'.  Thank you to everyone who contributed and the day made £157.25 for the charity.

Easter Egg Hunt - As part of our voting we decided that we would have an Easter Egg Hunt. We raised over £100 with a special raffle. It was a great morning with different classes taking part in the hunt together. Thank you Mrs Potton for helping us.


Save our Environment campaign

School council have recently discussed how we can make our School area a more environmentally friendly place. The children have designed some posters which have been displayed around School. See some fantastic examples below.