Our Governors
Message from the Chair of Governors
Hello to everyone … children, parents, families, governors and everyone involved and interested in our school.
I am Ian Archer and I’m the chair of the Governing Body which oversees what goes on in our school. I was a teacher for 38 years before I retired and have been a regular member of our church congregation for longer than I care to remember.
I meet with the Head every week when we can and we discuss all matters about our school – pupils, staff, premises and finance is our usual agenda. All governors are encouraged to take an active interest and visit regularly.
Over the last few years I have worked with the Head to ensure rising standards and attainment in our school and engender a super atmosphere which supports optimum achievement for all.
But a really good school is more than this – I like to say that the children in our school swim in a sea of love, care and compassion. You only have to see the staff at work to know what I mean. Our faith and dedication gives our children an experience of life and learning which will stay with them for ever.
We all know that we are an exceptional school – the only people who don’t are those who have not yet visited us!
Ian Archer
Chair of Governors
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2024-2025
Autumn 2024
Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2023-2024
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2022-2023
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2021-2022
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2020-2021
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2019-2020
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2018-2019
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2017-2018
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2016-2017
Governing Body Minutes for Academic Year 2015-2016
Governing Body’s register of interests |
Name |
Declared interests |
Non declared interests |
Mr I Archer Chairperson |
none |
Mrs D A Wilson Vice Chair |
none |
Ms K Clowes Head teacher |
none |
Mrs N Potton |
none |
Mr L Batty |
none |
Mrs W Richards |
none |
Mrs P Archer |
none |
Ms R Goodwin |
none |
Mrs D Robinson |
none |
Reverend N Skipworth |
none |
Miss K Longden |
none |
Mrs Z Randall |
none |
The School Governors
The Local Governing Body election is approved by the Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust.
Mr I Archer - Chairperson (Foundation Governor) Mr Archer serves on all 3 committees: Strategic Development, Pupil and Personnel, Finance and General Purposes. He also serves on the Discipline panel. He has full voting rights on all committees. He is married to Mrs Pauline Archer who also serves on the GB. His term of office started on 01/11/18. His term of office ends 31/10/2022.
Mrs D A Wilson - Vice Chairperson (Foundation Governor) Mrs Wilson serves on the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the Strategic Development Committee and has full voting rights. Her term of office started on 01/07/2020. Her term of office ends 01/03/2024.
Mr L Batty - (Foundation Governor and Training Coordinator) Mr Batty serves on the Finance and General Purposes Committee and has full voting rights. His term of office started on 01/11/2018. His term of office ends on 31/10/2022. Mr Batty makes the yearly declaration that his son-in-law provides the school uniform.
Ms K L Clowes - (Head Teacher Governor) Ms Clowes serves on all 3 committees plus Admissions and has full voting rights on all. Her term of office lasts as long as her post.
Mrs N Potton - (Teacher Governor) Mrs Potton has full voting rights. Her term of office started on 23/11/2022. Her term of office ends on 22/11/2026.
Mrs W Richards - (Foundation Governor) Mrs Richards serves on the Strategic Development Committee and has full voting rights. Her term of office started on 01/09/2017. Her term of office ends 31/10/2025.
Mrs P Archer - (Foundation Governor) Mrs Archer is on the Finance and General Purposes committee and has full voting rights. She is married to Mr I Archer. Her term of office started on 01/11/2018. Her term of office ends on 31/10/2022.
Ms R Goodwin - (Brailsford Governor) Ms Goodwin serves on the Pupil and Personnel Committee and has full voting rights. Her term of office started on 01/11/2018. Her term of office ends on 31/10/2022.
Mrs D Robinson - (Staff Governor) Mrs Robinson serves on the Pupil and Personnel Committee and has full voting rights. Her term of office started on 06/09/2018. Her term of office ends 13/12/25.
Reverend N Skipworth (Foundation Ex-Officio Governor) Her term of office started on 25/09/2018. Her term of office lasts as long as her post.
Miss K Longden - (Parent Governor) Her term of office started on 08/2/23. Her term of office ends 07/2/2027.
Miss Z Randall - (Parent Governor) Her term of office started on 08/2/23. Her term of office ends 07/2/2027.